Download November Criminals (2017) BluRay Dual Audio Hindi English

Download November Criminals Dual Audio Hindi English is available to download in 1080p, 720p & 480p HD quality. This Hindi Dubbed movie is based on Crime, Drama, Mystery labels.

Download November Criminals Dual Audio Hindi 1080p 720p 480p

IMDB Ratings: 5.3/10
Director: Sacha Gervasi
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery
Release date: 8 December 2017
Language: Hindi (ORG), English
Quality: 1080p | 720p | 480p BluRay
Movie Cast: Ansel Elgort, Chloë Grace Moretz, David Strathairn

Movie Story: After his friend is murdered, a Washington, D.C. teenager undertakes his own investigation of the crime.

Navigating the Dark Side of D.C.: A Review of November Criminals

November Criminals, the 2017 film adaptation of Sam Munson’s novel, dives headfirst into the murky underworld of Washington D.C., seen through the jaded eyes of Addison Schacht, a cynical teenager grappling with loss and identity. This isn’t your typical high school coming-of-age story; it’s a gritty exploration of grief, ambition, and the blurred lines between right and wrong.

Ansel Elgort brings a sharp edge to Addison, a character both magnetic and infuriating. His sardonic narration guides us through a world of privilege and deceit, where drugs and secrets simmer beneath the polished surface of elite society. Enter Chloë Grace Moretz as Phoebe, Addison’s grounded confidante, offering a beacon of clarity amidst the chaos. Their dynamic, fueled by equal parts loyalty and frustration, is the heart of the film.

The plot unfolds like a tangled web, driven by the mysterious death of Kevin, a mutual friend. Addison, fueled by grief and a warped sense of justice, decides to get to the bottom of it himself. His investigation throws him into a maze of corrupt politicians, shady businessmen, and ruthless drug lords, pushing him further and further into the criminal underbelly.

November Criminals isn’t afraid to get dirty. The film tackles mature themes with an unflinching gaze, exploring the consequences of reckless choices and the seductive allure of power. The moral ambiguity keeps you guessing, challenging your expectations about good and evil, victim and perpetrator.

While the story occasionally falters in its pacing and some plot points could have been fleshed out further, the performances alone make this film worth a watch. Elgort and Moretz deliver nuanced portrayals, capturing the complexities of their characters with equal parts vulnerability and defiance. The supporting cast, including Catherine Keener and David Strathairn, add depth and intrigue to the already layered narrative.

November Criminals isn’t a comfortable watch, but it’s a compelling one. It’s a film that asks uncomfortable questions about privilege, responsibility, and the darkness that lurks beneath the surface of seemingly ordinary lives. So, if you’re looking for a coming-of-age story with a twist, one that challenges your expectations and lingers long after the credits roll, then November Criminals is definitely worth adding to your watchlist.

Just a heads up: This film deals with mature themes and contains some violence and drug use.

Verdict: 3.5 out of 5 stars. A gritty and captivating coming-of-age story that delves into the dark side of privilege and power.

I hope this review is helpful! Remember, this is just my interpretation, and yours could be different. The beauty of art lies in its subjectivity, so I encourage you to watch the film and form your own opinion.

November Criminals (2017) BluRay Dual Audio In Hindi English


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