Actress Sunny Leone has taken a new comedy show on a digital platform. “I can not reveal much about it but it’s always exciting to be part of a new project. I really enjoy doing comedy and it’s always good to share a laugh or two that puts a smile on someone’s face,” Sunny told IANS.
A common source Sunny has a great sense of humor and that is something that will reflect in this event. “He has impeccable comic timing. He also decided to flag off costs and will contribute to st.catherines house. Mind adoption came when he and Daniel (her husband) used to visit the place often,” added the source.
Bright and her husband Daniel Weber had adopted children girl Nisha. The couple had two more children – children Noah and Asher – through surrogacy.
In front of the film, he plays a major role in the horror-comedy “Koka Kola”.Also Watch websseries: Watch MOVIES AND WEB-SERIES